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Emailing documents
To save time and postage costs, you can send most of the documents you generate in Sage Accounts by email, provided you are using Microsoft® Outlook or an Internet email service such as Gmail.
To set up documents to send by email
To set up documents to send by email, you must:
- Enter your default email settings - You must select what email software or webmail provider you're using, for example, Microsoft® Outlook or Gmail.
- Enter the document email options - For each document you want to send by email, you can enter settings to control the email format and details such as the subject and who the email is sent to.
You can enter your default email settings and your email options for invoices, statements, orders and remittances in Settings > Email Defaults. You can enter email options for other documents within Report Designer.
In addition, there are several standard layouts which already include email settings for Microsoft® Outlook, so you're ready to go.
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